by dave childress
Hi, I’m Dave.
6 years ago, a group of us dreamed up DO/LOVE/LIVE.
And here we are…launch day.
We are real-life storytellers on a mission to create positive change by inspiring people to DO/good, LOVE/big, and LIVE/now.
We want to make you think, laugh, reflect, cry, push, and laugh some more.
We want to earn a few minutes of your mindshare each day.
We want YOU to help ALL OF US get better. Every day.
We DON’T know exactly where this is heading.
The journey never quite plays out as you’d expect anyway.
We DO know that if a lot of people pull in the same direction, some pretty amazing things will happen.
We have a lot of people pulling in the same direction.
We want YOU to join in.
Please take a few minutes to watch our story and poke around our website.
Let us know what you think, and thanks for stopping by!