Let's Do The Work

So here we are...
244 years into our imperfect journey as a country. Founded on the principles of equality, liberty, and justice for ALL.
In OUR course of human events, now more than ever, it's self-evident that we've got a lot of work to do.
But isn't that the beauty of our imperfect union?
We ALL have the opportunity to grow.
An opportunity to recognize and to commit to a tomorrow that is better than today.
Generations of Americans have relentlessly pursued goodness and positive change; be it on the beaches of Normandy, France or the bridges of Selma, Alabama or right now in the intensive care units of our neighborhood hospitals.
Today, and all days, let's honor that legacy. Let's be grateful for that enduring spirit that brings us together as people. Let's use it as inspiration especially while we strive to achieve equality and achieve our full potential as a UNITED States of America.
So now it's up to US to be dedicated, HERE, to the unfinished work.
From all of us at DO/LOVE/LIVE, we wish you a peaceful and reflective Independence Day.
Cheers friends.